Knowledge Equity Partners, Inc.
Knowledge Equity Partners, Inc.
"We help you leverage the knowledge you already have"

Founded on September 11, 2001, Knowledge Equity Partners is devoted to critical infrastructure information management, rapid data collection, reporting and analytics for any business purpose, and in 2024, a commitment to providing awareness of horse safety in rural and metropolitan environments.

Although seemingly disparate, these themes have key interconnection points: Safety, Human Behavior, Technology

Whether it is formal knowledge in systems, or informal knowledge from field experience, our goal is to always make sure that “we help you leverage the knowledge you already have”. September 11 taught us that infrastructure isn’t just cables, pipes and antennas. It is the people who work to protect us and our environment. It is the lives of our fellow citizens sharing that environment who are impacted by information and knowledge silos. It is the protection and safety of an animal with hundreds of years of heritage in bringing our lifestyles to what they are today. Our mission is to eliminate silos and enable knowledge equity for those who have a need to know, when and how to know it. Equity in pricing is important to us too. Individuals, rural communities, small business and non profits should be able to afford today’s technology so they have equity in leveraging the knowledge they already have for equitable quality of life.

It is a pretty small place after all, with many inter-dependencies. Many connections. Much knowledge to share.

It is a pretty small place after all, with many inter-dependencies. Many connections. Much knowledge to share.



September 11, 2001 was the wrong day.

But it was the right day for our scheduled, formal commitment to innovate and manage data into knowledge and ensure it gets to the right people when and how they need it. In 2024 our tools now include physical forms of knowledge - high visibility horse and rider wear to defend them both from technology distractions and right of way unawareness.

Our firm is a graduate of the U. S. Small Business Administration 8(a) SDB WOSB program,. a certification that was sponsored by the U. S. Air Force and U. S. Senator Michael Enzi (R) WY. It was hand carried to Washington DC because of a critical need by the U. S. Air Force. It was approved in six weeks - something that generally takes months or longer if considered at all. The 8(a) program is an 8 year commitment to learn and share best practices, achieve excellence in customer service, product innovation and quality.

Our knowledge services innovate from the ground up - literally from traditional geographic information systems to cutting edge mobilization of business processes that are affordable for everyone - rural to metropolitan communities, small business, large business, education to public transit agencies, emergency prevention and response.

Knowledge is everyone. It is life giving. Knowledge should be everywhere. Affordable to acquire, manage and distribute. It is our mission.